To inform and evaluate ongoing efforts to increase integration throughout the health care system, we are prioritizing research on integrated care and its impacts on clients, families, care providers, and the health care system at large.

Investigating Physical Therapy Practice in the Evolving Ontario Healthcare System
This study aims to describe the experience of PTs working in an integrated homecare setting and the colleagues working with them, to better understand PT practice in the integrated care setting.

Examining Care Transitions to Hospital and Back Home for Home Care Clients
The goal of this project is to shed light on who is receiving home care services and experiencing transitions to hospital.

Virtual COVID-19
Recovery Pathway
This study builds upon the existing virtual post-discharge COVID-19 monitoring pathway at the hospital and utilize measurement tools from the Home 2day COPD program, to study how well an 8-week virtual rehabilitation pathway works.

Is 911 the answer?
Emergency medical
services use in homecare
We are completing a retrospective chart review of events where EMS was called to determine if the situation could have been addressed without transport to the Emergency Department. Reducing unnecessary emergency department visits is one way to address hallway medicine.

Maintaining critical capacity: A winter surge initiative at Michael Garron Hospital
VHA is working together with a local hospital and Ontario Health Team to create health system solutions that extended beyond the emergency department. A participatory, collaborative approach was used to identify and fund homecare, primary care, and community-led initiatives.

Navigating the grey zone of physiotherapy assistant autonomy in homecare
This study explored the perspectives of PTs and PTAs providing homecare services in Ontario regarding their experiences since the 2013 introduction of PTAs into homecare rehabilitation teams.