Globe Newswire: “Powerful Caregiver Videos Capture Top Prize for VHA Home HealthCare in International Competition”

VHA Home HealthCare (VHA) earned top prize for Best Event Video at PR Daily’s 2014 Video Awards announced May 1, 2015. The series of four videos were created for VHA’s annual Heart of Home Care Awards by Toronto-based company Flash Frame Digital. The video awards program, which receives submissions from around the globe, is presented by American-based Ragan Communications.
“We’re delighted by the announcement,” notes VHA’s President and CEO Carol Annett. “Our annual Heart of Home Care event is meant to raise the profile of caregiver issues and needs, and the win will certainly help to broaden the reach of these powerful videos.”
“I was shocked,” notes VHA Communications Manager and project lead for the videos, Pamela Stoikopoulos. “We were competing against companies with much deeper pockets than we have-AT & T, Blue Cross, and even Disney-so I wasn’t expecting to win. I’m simply ecstatic: Flash Frame Digital really nailed what I hoped to capture in these videos-the love story between the caregivers and the people they are looking after-and I’m delighted that the judges appreciate this type of storytelling as much as I do.”
Stoikopoulos notes that up until 2014, the award presenter would simply read a description of the caregivers’ daily responsibilities and include segments from the nomination application. “The stories were powerful, but I felt they’d be better served by video. Most of the time we weren’t able to meet the person they had dedicated their life to and then there was the stage fright,” she adds, saying that many of the winners were not comfortable speaking at the award ceremony. “Video seemed the best way to not only capture the winners’ stories but could also reach a much greater audience to fulfill the awards’ mandate of advocating for greater caregiver support and services.”
“We felt it was crucial to approach this project with sensitivity,” says Lee de Lang, co-owner of Flash Frame Digital. “We wanted to put the caregivers at ease and instill a feeling of comfort in sharing their personal tales. We were so inspired by dedication and perseverance of each of the caregivers, we hope we’ve told their stories with the authenticity and reverence they deserve.”
According to PR Daily’s website, “everything comes together in these videos from the subtle music bed to the sensitive editing, all helping generate impressive views on YouTube as well as a flood of unsolicited comments praising the work.”
About the Heart of Home Care Award and VHA Home HealthCare
Now in its 10th year, the Heart of Home Care Award recognizes the true heart and soul of home care: unpaid caregivers who support loved ones so they can continue to live at home. Open to caregivers throughout Ontario, the award honours these caregivers’ unwavering commitment and shines a spotlight on the need for more caregiver supports and services. In 2014, the Heart of Home Care Award was generously sponsored by Standard Life, Teak Printing, PACE Consulting and Flash Frame Digital.
For 90 years VHA Home HealthCare-a not-for-profit, charity-has inspired Ontarians to create possibilities for more independence. VHA’s professional team of over 2,000 caring, compassionate people support clients and their families throughout Ontario. We’re proudly:
- Accredited with Exemplary Standing by Accreditation Canada.
- An RNAO Best Practice Spotlight Organization designate.
- A founding member agency of United Way Toronto.
About Flashframe Digital
Flashframe Digital is a video storytelling agency specializing in brand communications, combining marketing and communication expertise with video production to create engaging visual stories that add value.
Contact Information:
VHA Home HealthCare
Pamela Stoikopoulos
Communications Manager
416-489-2500 ext. 4344