Building Bonds that Matter: In Conversation with Leadership Awardee Fe Morante

The VHA Leadership Award is an annual recognition program to further build and strengthen VHA’s culture of leadership excellence by recognizing individuals at all levels who demonstrate impactful leadership.
Fe Morante, Personal Support Worker Care Team Coach, is a Leadership Award recipient in the Building Bonds that Matter category. Awardees in this category create meaningful connections with others, recognize the unique skills and contributions of individuals and exemplify VHA’s commitment to care for each other as much as we care for clients.
As one nomination for Fe states, “Fe embodies the essence of this award through their unwavering support for the PSW team. Their willingness to help at any time, coupled with their proactive approach in addressing the needs of both colleagues and clients, has created an environment of mutual respect and trust. They are always ready to lend a hand, offer guidance, or provide a listening ear, ensuring that everyone feels valued and supported.”
We sat down Fe to learn more about her approach to leadership and her journey at VHA so far.
VHA: You’ve been selected in the category “Building Bonds that Matter.” Congratulations! Could you tell us what “building bonds that matter” means to you in your role at VHA?
Fe: Building bonds that matter means building connections and healthy working relationships with those we work with I strive to build relationships based in mutual understanding, respect and trust and aim to be a good listener, be caring and offer guidance. I want my team to feel valued and supported. Creating that connection helps others thrive and become the best version of themselves!
VHA: What motivates you to do the work that you do?
Fe: I am motivated by seeing the smiles on my clients’ faces. A simple “thank you ” that shows their appreciation and gratitude feels rewarding and fulfilling. It inspires in me the need to help and make a difference in people’s lives.
VHA: When you look back on your journey at VHA so far, could you tell us about a moment or situation that stands out where you learned something that changed your perspective? This can be anything- big or small!
Fe: In 2020, when COVID-19 pandemic hit across the world, I felt scared and helpless, not only for myself, but for my family and friends. I was worried for the safety of my vulnerable clients whose health is fragile, as many are immunocompromised. I was also worried for my co-workers who work tirelessly to provide care. It was a challenging time for all of us, especially for healthcare workers. We witnessed so much loss and uncertainty in the world. It changed my perspective in life in so many ways.
I was so proud of how all of us at VHA handled it, and am grateful to VHA for all of the extensive support, supplies and resources that kept us safe while doing our jobs in the community.
VHA: There’s no doubt that a huge part of being a leader is teamwork. Do you have any advice for how to build that connection and trust?
Fe: My advice is get to know your colleagues. Everyday conversations help to strengthen personal connections, which will naturally build trust. Show empathy and listen more intently. Treat them with respect and understanding. Be honest and supportive, as it will boost morale and productivity. Trust is the key factor in leadership. Without trust, teammates will not be willing to listen, follow or build a relationship.