VHA Research

Rebecca Rios

VHA Research

Rebecca Rios

Rebecca Rios

2023 Graduate Research Award Winner

Rebecca Rios is a MSc candidate at Brock University in the Applied Health Sciences department.

Rebecca's work and research interests include Alternate Level of Care (ALC) patients, integrated care, healthcare funding allocation and care partner burden. Rebecca's research focuses on the financial burden of the healthcare system, the individual and their care partners upon patient designation as ALC. Acknowledging and integrating care partners financial strain into her research, she wishes to voice and bright light to individuals who are involved in the care of their loved ones yet, many times, are overlooked.

Rebecca hopes that her research will culminate in improvement and reallocation of health funding, reflecting in proper allocation of resources, the presence of an integrated approach when dealing with ALC patients and an overall more connected healthcare system.

VHA Research Area of Focus: Better Care and More Connected